The Scratching Post
About Me
- Name: kitty Cat
I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Lots of people go to college for 7 years...they're called doctors...
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
My hair on the chopping block
Keep in mind he was sleeping when I left for my hair appointment, and I didn't even know I would get in for one until an hour before the fact. I walked around the corner and he just blinked at me. It took him about an hour later before he said "It's cute, I like it," but he DID eventually say it. This pic is me, just taken about a minute ago, so you can see what I'm talking about (even though it's a little fuzzy and it looks like I have something white on my nose from the flash). I'm scared to ask for comments on this, so if you're gonna comment, be nice about it and let the shock wear off before you say anything.

Friday, August 19, 2005
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Things I'm going to miss...
- TJ. Plain and simple.
- Dental assisting experience. It's been great getting back up to speed on dental assisting stuff and refreshing my knowledge of procedures.
- Dentist-bashing sessions at work with my fellow dental assistants. The dentist I worked with was a schmuck.
- The paychecks that come along with dental assisting. It's gonna suck to be broke again this fall :o(
- Rollerblading to work on nice days
- Being 2 blocks from Lake Michigan and having the ability to walk down to the beach whenever I feel like it to watch the moonlight glimmer on the waves at night, or the sailboat races during the day.
- Having TJ's parents as my parents for a summer. They are the sweetest people you will ever meet.
- This house. It's big, beautiful, and really charming.
- This probably goes along with the TJ plain and simple one, but being able to fall asleep with him at night, and then wake up with him right there in the morning every day was the best thing I could've ever asked for.
Things I'm not going to miss from my summer in Sheboygan:
- The dentist I was stuck working for. Trying to interperet hand waving and incomprehensible muttering is NOT what I call good communication skills. God he was such an ass...
- Living with TJ's parents. Don't get me wrong, they're wonderful people! It just would've been nice to have some alone time with TJ, even just for one day this summer.
- Having the air conditioning being shut off at night. The family claimed it was to save energy. I say the A/C should be on when it makes it the most comfortable for all parties involved. Attempting to sleep while sweating like a fat man in a marathon isn't very comfy.
- Putting 1800+ miles on my car during the month of August. I swear I'm going to buy a moped.
- Getting rope burns on the bendy part behind the knees from the family dog running around me with her leash on. It hurt like hell to bend my knees for weeks, and now I have scars from it.
So that's the highs and lows of my summer in a nutshell. Friday I move home, then the 27th I move down to school yet again for pretty much nothing but studying like a geek for the next 8 months.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Random nothing
Yesterday TJ was in a wedding in River Falls, on the exact opposite side of the state. It was a lot of fun, the reception was in Stillwater, MN at a really fancy place on the river. It's fun to see him in a tux too. There's something about a guy wearing a suit...
Anyway, on the way home we passed Fleet Farm, which is pretty much a more farmer-esque version of Walmart. Their symbol is FF, only the left F is backwards, and then there's a little flame or bird head on top of the F's. I couldn't help but observe the fact that they look like the bird from the nazi flag, and they even had them on several big red banners hanging down from the front of the building. That kinda creeped me out.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Nat'l underwear day
so I say strip to your skivvies and go have some fun!
Monday, August 08, 2005
I GOT MY MOM BACK!!!!!!!!!!
Blink...blink "HWHAT???" I thought I was still dreaming, so I flicked myself in the cheek a couple of times.
"He said he isn't as emotionally involved in the relationship as I am, and he didn't want to string me along, so he broke it off."
It's a beautiful life, oh ohhhh...(that song from the mid-90's)
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I am rewriting my personal statement for dental school and need to get it in soon. It's too personal to just post on a public blog, so if you'd like to read it and offer your helpful services, just leave a comment with your name and email addy and I'll send it your way. There may be a thank-you reward in the form of fudge or other yummy goods in your future!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
We were robbed
Midwest Dental was robbed last night. I walked into work this morning and the candy-bar shop thing with the cardboard "bank" that you are on your honor to put money into was ripped open on the table. I walked in and asked the receptionist, "Who jacked open the candy bar thing?"She said, "We're trying to figure that out right now, they took the cash drawer money and the safe too."
Apparently both our and the specialties wing got their cash drawers robbed and the safe from the dentists' office was stolen; not broken into, the whole thing was taken. They only made off with about $70 from our wing and a bunch of prescription pads. Nothing was vandalized, they didn't even break down the door; they had a key. The people also knew right where the money was kept, and managed to lock the door behind them. So they're not very smart thieves...
The business upstairs from us in our building was also robbed, and they have a lot more cash to them. Sheboygan's finest came in this morning, surveyed the scene, dusted for prints, and now are on the case. Some of the assistants in our office figured it must be the cleaning people, because they have access keys to our office, know where our money is kept, and are the people who clean the other business that was robbed as well. Gee, way to cover your tracks guys...