
I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I'm meeting with the head of admissions from Marquette University Dental School tomorrow. I am so nervous, I have no idea what to say to him. I've met with him on 3 previous occasions, but this is the first time since being rejected for this fall. What do I say to him? I feel like bitch-slapping him and calling him an idiot for not even giving me a chance to interview, but I doubt that would help my chances for acceptance the following year. Does anyone out there have any suggestions? Please?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always ask questions, the number one thing that helps on interviews is to ask questions...this shows that you're interested in learning more about the position/school.

Also, be firm and confident with you answers. One of the most important things is to be confident with your answers to all questions. This shows that you are sure of yourself, you have confidence, and most importantly you're honest with your answers...which leads to the most important thing...


You have to be absolutely honest in your answers, no matter the question. If you lie, they'll find out eventually, so there's no point in living a lie if you actually intend to stay with the company or at the school.

8/17/2005 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, you could listen to Andy, OR if you would like, Cousin Joey offered to be a spokesperson for you. I believe that he could give them an offer they coudln't refuse.

8/18/2005 10:03:00 AM  
Blogger kitty Cat said...

I think the meeting went well. He said my plans are exactly what I should be doing, and said I don't have to re-write my entire personal statement, but I am still looking for people to help me tweak it.

8/18/2005 11:17:00 PM  

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