Just stick to fixing teeth
I think the creepy dentist I'm assisting for was trying to flirt with me this morning. We had a little boy getting a filling, and while we were waiting for him to get numbed up, the doctor rolled in on his chair and pushed my chair across the room with his foot. He then laughed a little and said "I used to do that to Jenny," (the assistant I've been filling in for since June) "and she used to be like, what?" I laughed a little just to keep the situation from being as awkward as possible and we proceeded with the filling. Afterwards, I was about to walk the patient back up to the front, and told the boy to follow me, which Dr. G adds, "Yeah, follow the pretty lady!" and then, I kid you not, he giggled and did some kind of jazz-hands motion and almost skipped away. I've been avoiding him ever since. Thank God today's a short work day...
I'll also add the note that this was very odd because he never, ever talks to anyone in the office. The most I've gotten out of him is "could you get me a Tooth Sleuth." He asked one of the assistants a long time ago if she was married, she answered yes, and he didn't talk to her again the whole rest of that week.
I guess I can't decide if he is flirting with you based off of that. It might just be that it was Friday. I get giddy on fridays too. Everyone here at work does. You have a big rock, I doubt he didn't notice it.
He could be creepy, but I prefer to think he admires the collective beauty of your person and character and is sighing over his unrequited devotion.
(I'm in a romantic mood today, please hunt me down and kick me in the shin.)
I'm going to agree with my sistah and think it's just a Friday thing. He hasn't done anything like that today (so far) and it seemed to be a fluke as it was, so I'm gonna rid myself of the heebie jeebies and call it good.
Side note- I don't wear my engagement ring when I work 'cause of the possibility of it puncturing through the glove, and I don't think the patients want an extra bulk in their mouth; we've already usually got everything but the kitchen sink in there as it is.
Kristine: I think that was well-put and I'm just going to nod and smile at its accuracy :o)
p.s. whats a tooth sleuth?
A tooth sleuth is basically a plastic stick we put on to the bumpy spots on your teeth to see which bump hurts when you bite down if you've got a toothache. That usually tells us if there's a crack in the tooth and where it is (if it's too small to see on x-ray)
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