A little Poll
My mom is telling her boyfriend personal stuff about me that I don't want him to know, like my GPA, the fact that I got rejected from dental school, etc, and she thinks it's perfectly fine and that I should "get over it." She says it's because these are things that are important to her, and she and the bf discuss things that are important to them, so there's no harm in mentioning it to him, "what's he going to do with the information anyway?"
I feel this is an invasion of my privacy and the things she's telling him are things I only want people I care about to know, him not being on the aforementioned list.
What do you think? Is she invading my personal privacy and disrespecting my wishes, or am I being irrational and "censoring" what she can talk to him about?
I feel this is an invasion of my privacy and the things she's telling him are things I only want people I care about to know, him not being on the aforementioned list.
What do you think? Is she invading my personal privacy and disrespecting my wishes, or am I being irrational and "censoring" what she can talk to him about?
I gotta go with the invasion of privacy. You're a grown woman who should be able to decide who knows these details about her life. I would also say it is incredibly rude of your mother to pass personal information along without your ok. But that's just my humble opinion...
I can understand your mom's viewpoint. I really can. She's an adult, worried about someone she loves, and she is wanting a supportive person with whom she can discuss things that are on her mind. I can see where she's coming from.
However, I don't think you're out of line to want to control with whom you share deeply personal things. This is your life, these are your joys and tragedies, and I don't think you're insane for wanting to control who gets the front row tickets. You have asked her to protect your privacy. Some things should stay within a family. She hasn't respected your feelings, and she should.
I have told you that this would happen, this is why I do not tell her anything about my life other than "Touition is coming out of your Visa", and "I'm fine" She cannot be trusted, so I don't tell her anything about my life, she made the decision on that. How did you find out that she was sharing these things?
God I wish I could...
for once i agree with jared....oh, and make sure your mom knows you're going to kick him in the balls once for every personal thing she tells him....
Jon and Jared, I like the way you think. I'll try your idea next time she thinks about telling him something.
we do what we can
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