The Scratching Post


I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Go white boy go white boy go!

I came across this during a boredom spell tonight, you've gotta watch this guy go:

Thursday, May 11, 2006

simple pleasures...

This has been a rather dull day. I went to class, came home, and did absolutely nothing from there on out. My only excitement came from my supper:
I was reheating some pizza and decided I wanted the garlic-butter-add-an-extra-buttcheek sauce for dipping my crust. We had an extra one from the box, and I looked at it to see if it had microwave instructions. It said clearly on the cover "Do not microwave."
So it's sitting there in the microwave for about the last 15 of the 40 seconds I put it in there for, when I hear this loud *POP* noise. Inside my microwave is a redneck 4th of July fireworks display, and then the butter-cover became engulfed in flames. It was the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. After some quick-thinking damage control involving stopping the microwave and blowing out the lid, I had my supper. Yes, my life is that boring here.

Monday, May 08, 2006

An Awkward Anal-ysis

Last night, mom's boyfriend invited the two of us over for dinner and to watch Grey's Anatomy at his house. This would be my 2nd time at his place. As a background, I will describe to you my first experience there:

My mom had taken me out there a couple of weeks ago while he was away on a trip, just so I could see the place before being thrown into an awkward dinner situation. It was neat and tidy, and had quite a minimalistic decor. I couldn't find the bathroom to secretly search through the medicine cabinet, and now that I think about it, I'm glad I didn't. Finding Viagra or something related would've sent me to therapy for the rest of my life. I then scanned his book shelf and collection in his living room. There were a lot of intelligent books, mostly related to psychology, which was his profession before retirement, and then I saw the top shelf. About an arm-span length of books related to sex were staring back at me. These weren't Playboys or anything like that, no this guy's into the hard stuff: Tantric Sex, Group Sex, The Female Orgasm, The Female Clitoris, Kama Sutra, and other related titles were traumatizing me as I looked at that shelf. I asked my mom about the shelf and she just shrugged it off as him being a psychologist. I will point out to you that he was in no way a sex therapist, he was a university psychology professor. I figure mom is fine with it only because she's the one, ahem, "benefiting" from the sex shelf.

Fast forward to last night.

We apparently got there a little early, because as soon as we entered the house, we saw him standing there in a bathrobe that was long enough to barely cover his old-man dangly parts. Mom kept asking him to show her where things were in order to pour us all some wine, while I kept asking God to keep him from bending over. After making mom get rid of a pair of his underwear I found on the kitchen counter, I poured myself a very tall glass of wine.
After he finally put clothes on, we were sitting there in his "sex book room," as I affectionately call it, eating our pizza and watching Desperate Housewives, waiting for G.A. to start. Then he turns to my mother and says, "I made up a poem for you."
I was sitting there thinking, 'this could be nice' and then he informs us that it is about her upcoming colonoscopy (which he convinced her to get, by the way.) Why he came up with a poem about my mother's looming anal-probing, I don't know. I'm too horrified by the experience to recite it back to you word-for-word, but it started out calling my mom middle-aged, and had to do with the doctors putting her in "various positions" and finished off calling her butt cute. He recited it three times, just to get the wording right, after mom and I had told him twice to stop and tell her the rest after I was gone.

I start therapy next Tuesday.
I was ready to leave as soon as that recital happened, but last time I left to avoid confrontation (with Jim at Easter last year), my mom called me ignorant. I took large sips from my wine, sat through the longest Grey's Anatomy episode ever and high-tailed it out of there. The guy is nice, but the sex thing is just too creepy. It's as if the guy is 60 years old and still doesn't understand the meaning of the word "Inappropriate."
Does anyone else have thoughts on this?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Got bit by the happy bug

Today while walking across the bridge from campus, I realized that for the first time in a long time, I'm sincerely happy.
At the moment, my mom is what I'll call "Dickless", meaning the boyfriend is away on a trip. I actually get to spend quality time with the woman for once, well at least until he comes back on Friday.
My dog has recovered from what looked like he was about to meet his maker last night. I took him for a very long walk and wore him out past what his 13 year old giant-dog body would let him do. I seriously thought he was dying last night, and then I wake up this morning to him licking my face with a wagging tail, ready to chase me up the stairs to breakfast.
I got another call from the manager of the dental office I'm looking to join in Boston. They're sending me a formal "office application" and as soon as they get it back, they want to do a phone interview with me. Her reasoning for this is that she wants to "maximize their time with me while I'm there at the end of May." I discovered that this "maximum time" means they want me there the whole day, from participating in the daily staff meeting before the work day begins, straight through their average work day to meet all the staff and get acquainted with the flow of the office. I'm thinking this is a good sign, right?
Aside from a small bump in the road regarding our Boston planning, TJ and I are doing great. I love that man and couldn't be prouder of him at the moment too; he just finished his last undergrad semester with all A's and graduates with his 2nd bachelor degree on Sunday. The bump in the road had to do with whose vehicle would be making the thousand-mile trek to Boston. Turns out, once I finally stopped telling and started listening to his reasoning on things, I realized we'd be perfectly fine with no vehicle at all. He completely agrees with me. We wouldn't be sans-car the whole time, just until I get a steady job in the career I want. This milestone would allow us enough of an income to afford the insurance, etc. to have a car and still be able to afford rent.
So all in all, life is good, the weather is perfect today, and for the first time in a long time, I can finally enjoy life and not have to worry about something.