My hair on the chopping block
I cut my hair. Not just a little trim, oh no, that would've been too republican of me, I chopped a whole damn foot off of my head. I just keep reminding myself that my hair went to locks of love and someone will benefit from this far more than my loss. I really don't look that bad, I actually think it's kinda cute, it's just shocking as hell when anyone first sees me. When I got home from said haircut, I showed my mom and her only reaction was, "Oh my!" which is the same reaction she had when TJ showed her my engagement ring before he was going to propose that night. TJ was a little more entertaining. Before I entered the living room, I asked "when you said you will love me for better or worse, you meant that right?" His response: "No. What did you do?"
Keep in mind he was sleeping when I left for my hair appointment, and I didn't even know I would get in for one until an hour before the fact. I walked around the corner and he just blinked at me. It took him about an hour later before he said "It's cute, I like it," but he DID eventually say it. This pic is me, just taken about a minute ago, so you can see what I'm talking about (even though it's a little fuzzy and it looks like I have something white on my nose from the flash). I'm scared to ask for comments on this, so if you're gonna comment, be nice about it and let the shock wear off before you say anything.
Keep in mind he was sleeping when I left for my hair appointment, and I didn't even know I would get in for one until an hour before the fact. I walked around the corner and he just blinked at me. It took him about an hour later before he said "It's cute, I like it," but he DID eventually say it. This pic is me, just taken about a minute ago, so you can see what I'm talking about (even though it's a little fuzzy and it looks like I have something white on my nose from the flash). I'm scared to ask for comments on this, so if you're gonna comment, be nice about it and let the shock wear off before you say anything.

Well I for one think it is most becoming. I think it looks great.
Cat, what do you mean, you "don't look that bad"??? You severely underestimate the haircut. I think it looks very cute. Very different, but very cute.
Boys are so funny when it comes to that stuff. When I cut and donated my hair, it took my boyfriend fifteen minutes or so to even say anything ("You cut your hair!"). It took him until the next morning to decide he liked it ("You know...your hair really does look better short"). I was pretty amused.
So TJ actually did quite well. But I can just picture his reaction and hear him saying that, and I'm laughing my ass off here.
Conclusion: It's really cute. Are you going to keep it short, or grow it long again?
Aww thank you Drew :o) That means a lot coming from you!
Kristine, it also made me smile to see your approval of the aforementioned hair-choppage. I am going to let it grow again. It got as long as it was by not cutting it for a year and a half, and I intend on getting it that long again by my wedding, which is a year and a half from now (give or take), so I should be in good shape for a nice up-do by then. I'll see how I feel after the honeymoon as far as shortening it once again.
its VERY cute! Remember when I had a simmilar cut? it was short, cute and fun. Thats how yours looks, and now some cancer victim, gets to wear your lovely shade of strawberry blonde hair too!
Looks good Cat!!!
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