The Scratching Post


I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Friday, October 03, 2008

He's baaaaaaaack!

10 days was the perfect amount of time for TJ to be gone; I got to take over the home and enjoy my independence, and just started really missing him by the day he got back. Ok, I really missed him the whole time, but it was nice to come home at the end of a long work day and do what I needed at home without the distraction of Metroid being played on the main TV, while the Brewers/Packers/insert random-WI-sport-here gamecast was blaring from the computer in the other room.

I didn't find a cure for cancer or anything, but I was rather productive:
1. Framed, prepared, and mounted our wedding pictures on the wall in our room. (Yes, it has been a year and 2 months since the wedding). It was a big project, actually took me 2 days to complete.

2. Did dishes on a daily basis and laundry a couple of times. Hey, it counts that I did the regular stuff too!

3. Learned how to play the intro to Handlebars by the Flobots on my violin.

4. Ate a lot healthier, exercised, and lost 6 pounds. (Note: since he got home, I have gained 4 of them back already).

5. Started going to church again. It was nice to finally find a church near us that isn't full of old, creepy people like the one where we did our pre-marital counseling course. (If you're not sure what I'm referring to, ask me about the giggling man at that church next time you see me.) I'll be bringing him with me to our new church this Sunday.

It's a weird adjustment getting used to having him back, though. I had put myself on a good routine, and got so used to doing things my way, that I was a bit annoyed to see all my work be reversed back. I'm adjusting, but I have put forth some new ground rules to keep the peace.
Regardless of the changes and adjustments, it's good to have him home.