
I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

rare update moment

Things have been pretty busy around here lately.
Last week, my future brother in law came to town to visit for a week. His flight in was supposed to be on the day before St. Patrick's day. You may remember this as being the big Nor'eastern blizzard that hit New England-day. Naturally, his flight got cancelled, but the airline wouldn't reschedule him a flight until Monday.

Our first St. Patrick's day in Boston wasn't anything for the record books (aside from the blizzard and navy crew member who lost his life in the harbor that night). We decided we didn't feel like paying an $80 cover to be packed like a sardine inside a bar full of people pretending to be irish. Last year's St. Patty's day for me involved heading over to a friend of a friend's house in Iowa to watch Boondock Saints and have a few green jello shots. This year involved getting bundled up like the kid brother in that old movie "A Christmas Story" just to walk across the street to play Cranium with our friends.

When Tj's brother finally got in on Monday, we had a pretty good week with him. We're trying to convince him to move out here, become our roommate, and attend an MBA program in town. He's pretty serious about it and is looking into internships now.

Other than that, I'm in the process of planning a bachelorette shower. Oh boy the possibilities with this one! I had things planned out and pretty well set, then the bridesmaids decided to tell me they couldn't make that weekend. I had asked them before what weekends worked for them, so after throwing a mini-tantrum, things worked out okay in the end. I was able to keep the plans as-are, and just shift everything down one weekend without any penalties for hotel day-swapping or anything.

Oh and in other news, I've decided to apply to dental schools this year. If 3rd time is not the charm, then I'm hanging up my drill for good and leaving it alone. I don't want to get my hopes up like I did last time, even though I probably have a better shot at it this round. One of my professors (a dentist) at school used to be on the admissions committee the entire time he taught at one of the dental schools I'm applying to. He has agreed to help me with my personal statement, and offered to write me a letter of recommendation if I do well in his class (oral pathology). So far I'm getting an A. As long as I do well on the final, which is cumulative and worth 40% of my grade, I'll have a pretty sweet deal.

In that case, with 3 weeks left to the semester, I better go study...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on your application! I hope you and TJ are doing well.

4/10/2007 07:27:00 PM  

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