
I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sweet and innocent?

PanamaJack recently said to me something to the effect that I do a good job at playing the sweet and innocent part, but I'm really not as innocent as I try to portray. After thinking about that for a little bit, I actually had to agree with him. Since then I've thought about it and I'm leaning towards the disagree department. I mean I'm not a horrible person, I certainly haven't done anything jail-worthy or completely heinous, and the biggest illegal thing I've ever done was smoked cigarettes and drank underage; I've never even smoked pot. But I have had my share of moments that if you add them up they'd be a pretty hefty list. I guess most of these have happened during my high school years though, so I really can be thought of as more sweet and innocent now than I was in high school. For instance, while in high school I managed to steal 2 men away from other girls. I'm marrying one of them. The other thing that I guess you could call "big" is that I would skip school and go to the beach sometimes and get away with it. I sound like my mom on the phone, so I would call myself in sick for the afternoon pretending to be on a cell phone in order to explain the caller ID number not matching that of my home phone number. I didn't do that too often, only when it was a really nice day outside. On the other hand, I was very involved with choir and all its related prudeness, and was a figure skater outside of school which I got my first job to help fund. And now, although I do drink occasionally and say things that an innocent mouth wouldn't say, I'm pretty harmless. So I guess I'm really not that devious as some out there. I get to keep considering myself as sweet and innocent, for the most part. O:o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU skipped school to go to the beach???? I can't believe it!!! My sweet and innocent sister, and you were more of a rebel than ME in high school! I only skipped ONE day! (I actually slept through the entire day, mom didn't know because she worked that day, I can't remember where you were). Wow, you are ready for a leather jacket and a harley now! :)

9/19/2005 09:27:00 AM  

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