
I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Friday, September 02, 2005

pet peeves

There aren't many things that truly aggravate me to the point of being pissed off, especially after dealing with what I'll call the "junior year from hell", but there are 3 big things that do:
1. People ignoring the fact that I'm speaking and then interrupt with something about themself completely unrelated (although I'm guilty of interruping on occasion myself)
2. Being told what to do with my life and actions (unless I ask), and
3. Being stood up for meetings arranged by the other person.
The latter of these just happened to me. I was supposed to meet with a prof at 1:30. He teaches the last class I need to get my degree. I showed up 10 min early, like I usually do for meetings, thinking he might already be there anyway. It was freezing so I figured I'd get myself a cappucino. What I didn't realize was that at Oneota cafe, "small" meant dixie cup. I got my shot-glass of french vanilla and sat down to wait. And wait. And wait. Question: how long is it proper to wait for someone for a meeting? I pulled out some homework to pass the time, got 4 questions done, then noticed it was then 1:43. I had been sitting there for 23 min. I figured if he was just running a little bit late, he'd have been there by now, and wondered if he had emailed to reschedule. I went downstairs to check my email; nothing. I had been stood up. Keep in mind that this class already met yesterday, so I was one day behind, and still not registered for the thing because the damn prof doesn't have his act together. ARGH!
Tonight will be better though. A friend who graduated last year is coming to visit and there will be a liquid celebration to mark this event tonight after watching a hypnotist show (which is quite entertaining).
Another nice thing that happened today is that the air vent in my room is currently being fixed. It used to rattle like someone dropped pennies in it at one point in time and would keep me up all night, even on the low setting. I've been using the Polish air conditioning method, i.e. opening the window and letting the wind do the cooling, and so far the weather's been perfect enough to pull it off. Now I guess I'll work on what I can, maybe try to figure out my personal statement (if anyone is willing to help me with a conclusion I will be forever indebted to you) and watch some TV before the festivites begin tonight.


Blogger SouthernCanadian said...

Ack, I'm sorry. Sounds like life in general is rather frustrating right now, and you're right, you seem to be pretty laidback most of the time. Hopefully things only go up from here - sounds like at least tonight will be fun! Take care!

9/02/2005 02:39:00 PM  

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