
I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Sunday, September 11, 2005


This year seems to be going pretty good so far. I'm an officer for the Health Science Club and am involved in Chemistry Club, Habitat for Humanity, and am on the women's ultimate frisbee team this year. I didn't realize how much I missed having regular practices and being a part of a team until I started up with this group. On the other hand, this has been an adjustment year for me too. This being the month of September, I'm having a lot of memories come flooding back to me from when my dad died and I realized that ever since then, I have never been alone. I have always had friends and, for a brief part, family surrounding me and being there for me in the almost 2 years since he's been gone that it's been a long time since I've experienced this kind of solitude. I do have good friends here this year again and I'm enjoying getting to know them better, but having a single room just feels weird to me in that I don't have a roommate there to chat with almost any time of the day, or the same friends out in the cluster to just walk out and see. I feel like in the movie Jerry Maguire where they're playing that video at his bachelor party and it keeps saying "You can't be alone."
To all of you, I want to just say that this month will be a little hard for me, so if I seem off-kilter a bit, kinda like my rant above, don't worry. Just give it time and I'll come back around like I always do. I went for a walmart run earlier tonight with a friend of mine and now thinking back on the car ride, I just sounded depressing. I apologize if I'm not my usual ray of sunshine, bear with me. Don't try to offer solutions or try to fix me, 'cause that really doesn't help much, and don't look at me like I'm broken or damaged either. I do like hugs and will take those anytime though ;o) Ok I have to get to bed or I'm going to be a zombie tomorrow. G'night.


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