
I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

For daddy

In reference to the impending anniversary that's coming up this Friday, I thought I'd post this poem. I wrote it about a year ago, so the mom stuff at the bottom is a little outdated and it is yet unfinished. I just thought I'd post what I've got so far:

If I knew it would be my last goodbye
I would’ve said much more
How much I love you and
Appreciate all that you’ve been there for

If I knew it would be the last time
That I’d see you standing there,
Looking proudly at me that Sunday,
Showing me how much you care,
I wouldn’t be so angry
That you had to leave so fast
If only I had known before
That forever wouldn’t last

I won’t get to see you
smiling at me graduation day,
or have you walk me down the aisle
to marry your daughter away
You’ll never get to hear “grampa”
From a grandson you’ve been waiting for
And I’ll never get to hug you tight
Or hear “I love you” anymore


I’m having such a hard time
With the changes taking place
If I don’t get to see you again ‘til death,
Then life feels like such a waste
They say you’re smiling down on me
But you’re not really there
They say “God has a plan for all,”
This plan just isn’t fair

Mom promised us “at least a year”
Before she started dating
But in less than that, she found Jim B
And I couldn’t help but hating
His stupid jokes, looks towards my mom,
His ability to make her forget
The feelings of Christine and I,
Then remembers you with regret

Mom’s got a new boyfriend and
Never thought how we would feel
This new man, already in her life
With very little appeal
She closed off her feelings towards us
Won’t tell us how she is,
Never speaks of you with happiness,
Just raves about stories of his


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Yeah, I remember you were writing this, I just haven't read it in a while. So yeah, now I am balling at work, but at least I have 15 mins to get my act together before anyone else shows up. I will be available by Steves cell on Friday after 6 if you need me. Mom is working. Have you talked to your godfather lately? Maybe you could get his email address and send it to him? He is very good at making words into songs. He also has his song for dad done too. (which I would love to hear myself)

9/27/2005 08:50:00 AM  

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