
I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Adventures at a bridal expo

Today was the city's annual bridal expo, and boy was that an adventure. A couple of my bridesmaids and I ventured downtown to check things out. We got there in time for the noon fashion show, which included various local businesses' bridal-associated attire. After the false fire alarm halfway through the show, which left many of us paying more attention to the emergency exit options, things started getting interesting. The fashion show included the one place I've affectionately come to know as "the bitchy lady store." The store itself is a nice place, it just has one bad egg that ruins it for me. The first time I set foot into the little shop, the "bitchy lady" immediately said to me, "If you're not here to buy anything today, you're wasting your time," which really seemed to mean that we were wasting hers. Every time I went in after that, she treated me like she had something better to do and that I wasn't worth the effort. I ended up buying the same wedding dress elsewhere for cheaper, thus ruining the commission she would've made off my gown. I thought that was probably silent revenge enough; that was until she came walking across the fashion show stage. She was the last dress of the bridal section of the show, the grand finale if you will, and apparently she wanted to go for shock value. What she got was 300 brides-to-be and associated people laughing at her and whispering to each other during her entire strut through. She had on a blood red, scrunched long-trained skirt, strapless monstrosity that suited her well, considering she went for the demonic impression every time I met with her. On her head she wore a jeweled netting which invaded the entire top of her head, then regurgitated a veil out the back for the heck of it. Hee hee. Actually, I'll be lucky if I don't have nightmares about that tonight...
We then ventured on to the many vendors scattered around the convention center, and I learned just how on-the-ball a lot of brides are these days. Most people could plan a wedding in a year and get everything they wanted without a problem. Today I found out that if I don't act soon, I won't get my first choice of photographers. Keep in mind, I have a year and a half before the wedding rolls around. Times are definitely changing... I'm torn between two photographer groups. The pricing almost evens out to be equal, one is a husband/wife duo, and the other is one woman. I meet with the hubby/wife crew tomorrow morning to check out their stuff. There are so many questions, options, and so much money that gets considered between these two that my head is going to explode! I came out of that expo so overwhelmed, I can seriously almost say that I'm tired of wedding planning right now. Don't call the newspapers yet, I said almost.
I better get to bed so I can get everything done tomorrow that I need to before leaving for Florida this Wednesday. Yesterday I did my laundry, so I finally have socks again, and put my new flannel sheets that my sister got me for Christmas on my bed. They're Cinderella sheets. I always wanted Cinderella sheets, I just never thought I'd be 22 when I finally got them. Oh the joys of moving home to a twin sized bunk bed... I'm actually looking forward to sleeping in them; they're extremely soft, and I haven't gotten new sheets since I moved out to college, 4 1/2 years ago. Maybe they'll keep me from having nightmares about the bitchy lady in the red/netted abomination.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, I was laughing at her too. During the first show (the one you were at), it looked like she scratched her ass for a few seconds as she walked back towards the curtain.

During the 2nd show, she hit a lady in the face with her train when she swished it around. You're right, she was laughed at.

1/16/2006 01:23:00 PM  
Blogger SouthernCanadian said...

Quite a few of the dresses in that fashion show were really pretty, but I have to admit I was laughing quite a lot. Notably entertaining entries were the neapolitan ice cream dress (I think it was the very first one of the show) and Medusa the blood red bride.

The pink and white tux - anyone remember that? The costume designers for Star Trek apparently took over.

1/17/2006 05:38:00 PM  
Blogger kitty Cat said...

Oh man, I should mess with TJ and start telling him I want him to wear a tux like that one! That would be unnecessarily cruel, but it'd be fun seeing his reaction...

2/03/2006 08:57:00 AM  

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