
I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Moving and grooving

This morning I woke up to TJ calling me to tell me he'll probably have to start his research rotations in June. This means I'm moving in mid-May, right after finals, in 2 1/2 months. The biggest problem is we don't even know where we're going yet. I'm still waiting impatiently to hear from schools to figure out what the crap is going on. It seems to be between Milwaukee, Boston, and Ames at this point on TJ's list, and I'm just clueless from my potential point. Hopefully something happens soon. I saw the mailman delivering the mail across the street about a minute ago and was ready to chase his cart down and maul him for our mail today. I can see the headline now..."Mailman Cart Hijacked by Potential Dental Student, Only Mail from One Address Missing."
I went out to the bars with an old high school buddy Ryan last night. Before last friday, I hadn't seen him in about 4 1/2 years, so it was a fun little reunion hang out time we had. We've decided to become bar buddies for the remainder of the semester, so I finally have someone to hang out with instead of sitting at home watching my mom go on marathon date-weeks. I'm not drinking every time I go out. Even for Mardi Gras last night, I had 2 amaretto sours total. I was DD for 2 reasons: 1. I had class this morning and didn't want the hangover and 2. I can't afford to drink. I'm so broke it ain't funny. It'll also keep the calories off of me. I actually fit into my "skinny jeans" again, so now I'm inspired to keep losing the weight and get back to my high school weight. It really shouldn't be that hard to accomplish, I only have to lose 10 lbs to get there. It will be a little tough considering we don't have a scale, but I'd imagine I could see some results with old clothes, etc. Because of this newfound goal, I've decided to give up Olive Garden food for Lent. Yep, you guessed it, the girl who started working at the OG because she likes the food is giving it up for 40 days. Last night I had my 4 Fat Tuesday, last-ones-for-a-long-time breadsticks and today am officially not eating their food. It's not that there's something wrong with it, I just happen to chow down on it every time I'm working, which isn't helping my lose-weight goal. So here we go, day 1. This isn't so hard...


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