Holy freaking choices, batman!
Ok so TJ has these 2 great offers from grad schools, one in "M" and one in "B". In a matter of a half hour today, those two got blown outta the water by a third choice; "A". "A" has offered him more money than either of the other two schools, insurance benefits for both health and dental , will pay $500 toward moving costs, a $1500 sign-on bonus, 3 grand a month for doing research there this summer, and are conducting research in the exact field TJ is motivated by, neurodegenerative disorders. Anyone reading this would automatically say "duh, take it now," but there's just one little glitch: me.
I didn't apply to any graduate or hygiene schools there because I didn't even realize it was an option. I don't even know if there are any hygiene or dental schools there. If I get accepted into "B"'s hygiene school, I have a hard time thinking I should say no to that single, 2-year opportunity to start a career. If I passed that up, who knows when I'd be able to finish that. I'd probably have to take a year working some dead end job while applying to schools in the area, if there even is a bachelor's degree program around it, and if there isn't, I'd be on a waiting list at a tech school, which usually runs about 4 years before someone gets called up for it. So then one has to ask the question: Can we do 2 more years long-distance while I finish up my hygiene degree? We've made it this far, and in the long-term rest-of-my-life scheme of things, it's really not that long, but considering we've been long distance for 5.5 years already, I'd like to be in the same freaking side of the planet, let alone state, before too long here. I want him to take "A" though, since it's the perfect set up for him and I don't want him to be held back by me. Normally, I'd almost want to cry at the cruel irony of it all, but by now I've started to just laugh. This kind of stuff seems to happen to me all the time lately and I've run out of tears and above all energy to get upset anymore. Although I'm not exactly bubbling over with excitement about this predicament either...
I didn't apply to any graduate or hygiene schools there because I didn't even realize it was an option. I don't even know if there are any hygiene or dental schools there. If I get accepted into "B"'s hygiene school, I have a hard time thinking I should say no to that single, 2-year opportunity to start a career. If I passed that up, who knows when I'd be able to finish that. I'd probably have to take a year working some dead end job while applying to schools in the area, if there even is a bachelor's degree program around it, and if there isn't, I'd be on a waiting list at a tech school, which usually runs about 4 years before someone gets called up for it. So then one has to ask the question: Can we do 2 more years long-distance while I finish up my hygiene degree? We've made it this far, and in the long-term rest-of-my-life scheme of things, it's really not that long, but considering we've been long distance for 5.5 years already, I'd like to be in the same freaking side of the planet, let alone state, before too long here. I want him to take "A" though, since it's the perfect set up for him and I don't want him to be held back by me. Normally, I'd almost want to cry at the cruel irony of it all, but by now I've started to just laugh. This kind of stuff seems to happen to me all the time lately and I've run out of tears and above all energy to get upset anymore. Although I'm not exactly bubbling over with excitement about this predicament either...
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