Tree Monkeys
Wooo buddy, it's been a long time since I've updated. Maybe that has something to do with why sleep has been tough to accomplish lately too... It actually seems to correlate with the exact days TJ and I finally got to spend together over the last week. We went to a wedding here in Luther-Land and then I spend the rest of my fall break at his house in Sheboygan. He had to study and was working on homework pretty much every moment he wasn't gone for class, so I really didn't get to spend much time with him there. I did get some quality quilt-shop-helper time in with his mom though.
One night I had a plan to make an elaborate dinner that included fresh chicken cordon bleu, with a side of long grain and wild rice and a vegetable of fresh green beans, with a bevarage of hot apple cider with a dash of cinnamon. For dessert we were to dine on baked apples. I even called and got the recipe from my mom. Turned out, nobody would be home to actually eat the meal. I was thisclose to tears, I was so dissappointed, but then TJ's dad asked if I wanted to go out for a burger with him at this little mom and pop joint in town. I never really got good one-on-one time with his dad before, it was really interesting hearing about him. He's always so quiet, I'm usually so intimidated. Too bad it took me 5 years to get to talk to him like that, but better late than never.
TJ's fall break started Wed, which was when my fall break ended, so we drove back here and got some quality time in 'til today. Last Friday TJ and I climbed a tree on campus, which turned out to be not as easy as I remember doing on a daily basis when I was younger, but managed it anyway, and took some pictures of the two of us in it. We look like monkeys in a couple of 'em, but if we cropped them, they'd be really nice. What'dya think? This one's my favorite:
I'll get to see him again at Thanksgiving. In the meantime, I've got a sh*tload of stuff to accomplish, including studying my butt off for the DAT. I take the torture device in less than a month, and I still don't understand most of the gen chem concepts anymore; it has been 4 years since I've seen any general chemistry, so I'm definitely gonna be a bit rusty with it. One day at a time. After this puppy's done, I just wait for the letters from the "suits" determining my future and figure out my life from there. I have to finish my dental hygiene apps too, which includes re-doing my personal statement. If anyone has suggestions or a life-preserver in that department, please let me know. That's about it on the homefront for now. Back to the grindstone...
One night I had a plan to make an elaborate dinner that included fresh chicken cordon bleu, with a side of long grain and wild rice and a vegetable of fresh green beans, with a bevarage of hot apple cider with a dash of cinnamon. For dessert we were to dine on baked apples. I even called and got the recipe from my mom. Turned out, nobody would be home to actually eat the meal. I was thisclose to tears, I was so dissappointed, but then TJ's dad asked if I wanted to go out for a burger with him at this little mom and pop joint in town. I never really got good one-on-one time with his dad before, it was really interesting hearing about him. He's always so quiet, I'm usually so intimidated. Too bad it took me 5 years to get to talk to him like that, but better late than never.
TJ's fall break started Wed, which was when my fall break ended, so we drove back here and got some quality time in 'til today. Last Friday TJ and I climbed a tree on campus, which turned out to be not as easy as I remember doing on a daily basis when I was younger, but managed it anyway, and took some pictures of the two of us in it. We look like monkeys in a couple of 'em, but if we cropped them, they'd be really nice. What'dya think? This one's my favorite:

I'll get to see him again at Thanksgiving. In the meantime, I've got a sh*tload of stuff to accomplish, including studying my butt off for the DAT. I take the torture device in less than a month, and I still don't understand most of the gen chem concepts anymore; it has been 4 years since I've seen any general chemistry, so I'm definitely gonna be a bit rusty with it. One day at a time. After this puppy's done, I just wait for the letters from the "suits" determining my future and figure out my life from there. I have to finish my dental hygiene apps too, which includes re-doing my personal statement. If anyone has suggestions or a life-preserver in that department, please let me know. That's about it on the homefront for now. Back to the grindstone...
That picture would actually make a great engagement picture for the paper!
That's a really freakin' cute picture.
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