
I'm the wife of a biology grad student working on figuring out where the heck I'm going in life, somewhere between falling on my ass and a "tada" moment right now...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Rollerblading adventure

TJ and I went for a rollerblade through Sheboygan yesterday. We had heard about a free orchestra concert at the park in the middle of town, which means it's about 2 miles away, so we decided to head there first. We found a spot on the little grassy hill and listened to their rendition of songs from Steven Spielberg movies. I think I heard a Star Wars one in there too, but I really wasn't sure. This band was made up of people of all ages, and was geared towards people of the geriatric persuasion. After listening to two songs, the second being some kind of polka, and realizing we had parked ourselves on an ant hill, we decided to continue blading and see the little shops in town. After a few good laps through the "downtown" area, we started back to the orchestra thing to see if we should listen again, or go to supper. Some old lady was up there with a voice as beautiful as a crow outside your window at 6 in the morning; we decided it was suppertime. There's a place downtown with really good food for really cheap. We got 2 meals which each included a salad, good-sized portions of food with a side dish, and a dessert for a combined total of $15. We then decided we needed to rollerblade a LOT more, so we headed for a new hotel in town called Blue Harbor . They built it for the PGA tour that happened just north of town, and definitely catered to the rich people who came. The owners bought the land really cheap, as it used to be a big pile of coal on a peninsula from back in the day when that was the only source of heating in these houses. They made a trail around the hotel, which is right along Lake Michigan; it's absolutely gorgeous, especially during sunset like it was then. What they didn't bargain for is the fact that the area is constantly swarming with seagulls, so this beautiful blue railing and nice cobblestone walkway they built is coated with piles and piles of bird shit. The seagulls constantly swarm over the parking lot and walkways just waiting for an unsuspecting person to stroll by and then bombs away! So TJ and I are on said trail and the seagulls are just everywhere, I mean they were swooping all across the sky above. I don't think I've ever skated so hard and dodged so much in my life. I made sure I was moving and twisting around enough not to get hit, and thank God I didn't. After our experience that was somewhat comparable to a twisted version of that old movie The Birds, we decided to hoof it home. I decided to blade past the office building where I work, which I forgot included a really steep incline, so once the near-athsma attack wore off, we were on our way home. About a mile from safety from bad music and bird-poo, this car drives down along the street we were blading, coming the opposite direction, and I hear this *sploosh* about 2 feet to my left. The little punks tried to drive-by water-balloon us! We high-tailed it back to the house and called it a night, but that was the most adventurous rollerblading experience I've ever had!


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